a Trek To the River's Edge

March 1993
Black Americans:
A Profile
The Black population in the United States was 31 million in March 1991, 12 percent of America’s total. This Brief uses data collected by the Current Population Survey (CPS) to provide a demographic and economic portrait of the Black population in March 1991. It also explores changes over the past several decades. Data or years prior to 1991 were collected in both the CPS and the census.
Median family income, by race/ethnicity: 1950 to 1993
In contrast to the sizeable increase in median family income in the 1950s and 1960s, family income in the 1970s showed no real gains. After posting modest increases during the mid-1980s, incomes for all families leveled off during the late 1980s and then declined between 1989 and 1993. Income in black and Hispanic households remained much less
than in white households.
Georgia Black
Demographic Profile
Georgia had the largest numerical increase in African American population growth between 2005 and 2011. During this time period the Black population in Georgia increased by over 400,000. This is mostly due to the mass Black migration to the Atlanta metropolitan area bringing Georgia to 4th place in Black population.